Grading for new belt ranks are done quarterly. Each grading is printed in “The Little Book of Seishinkai” by Sensei Malcolm Phipps and is systematically taught. You also receive a printed copy of your next grading to use for notes. All students are encouraged to keep a personal training notebook. A “pre-test” is held 2 weeks before the actual grading where you receive pointers on what you can work on to improve before the test. You receive written grading with personal notes to help you succeed.

Tested Components

  • Kihon: Karate basics such as blocks, strikes, and kicks
  • Kata: Each rank has an assigned kata in the Heian series.
  • Kumite: Self-defense techniques that begin very basic and progress as you advance in rank.

2018-19 Belt Testing Dates

  • 9/8/2018 (required pre-test 8/25/2018)
  • 12/1/2018 (required pre-test 11/17/2018)
  • 3/2/2019 (required pre-test 2/16/2019)
  • 6/1/2019 (required pre-test 5/25/2019)