Any events with an * is not confirmed: JANUARY: 1/24 Instructor Training #1 3pm-4:30pm EST. FEBRUARY: 2/21 Free Zoom Seminar #1 3pm-5pm EST. MARCH: 3/5-3/7 WTKO Winter Camp. Detail TBA.3/21 Instructor Training #2 3pm-4:30pm EST APRIL: *4/18 Free Zoom Seminar #2 MAY: *5/16 Instructor Training #3 JUNE: *6/13 Free Zoom Seminar #3 JULY: *instructor Training

  • WTKO Seminar 12/06

    This coming Sunday WTKO will have a free zoom Seminar. It will start at 3pm-5pm EST. Sensei Yanti Amos and Sensei Phil Harris will be teaching. Join Zoom Meeting link Https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83324837290 Meeting ID: 833 2483 7290 Passcode: 271502

  • WTKO 2020 National zoom seminar

    Register here: http://forms.gle/tjp1WHbSuEnanRSd6 CAMP INFO: Friday 13th November: 1pm-2pm(all levels RA) 6pm-7pm(all levels JM) 7:15pm-8:15pm(dan FB) (kyu RP) Saturday 14th: 10am-11am (all RA) 11:15am-12:15pm (dan ZS) (kyu JK) 2pm-3pm (Instructors RA) (all ranks JM) 3:15pm-4:15pm (dan RA) (kyu JT) Sunday 15th: 10am-11am (dan JM) (kyu AR) 11:15-12:15pm (dan JT) (kyu YA) 2pm -3pm Class (dan